世界城市廢除死刑日 Cities for Life Day

Organized By 國際特赦組織香港分會死刑關注組 Abolish the Death Penalty Group of Amnesty International HK

Location: 銅鑼灣-百德新街

Causeway Bay (22.279975, 114.185689)


「世界城市廢除死刑日」至今已舉辦第11年!今年活動包括全球死刑概況展覽、以音樂與歌聲燃亮生命、行為藝術、「黑暗中的最後一話」裝置展覽、反死刑圖書館、聯署反對不公平審訊下執行死刑等。 Cities for Life is a worldwide festivity that supports the abolition of the death penalty. Activities for this year include exhibition on death penalty, music and singing, performance art, “Last Word in the Dark” installation, anti-death penalty library, collection of signatures against unjust execution, etc.