Body wrap an rhythm with Nick Guzzardo in Darmstadt

Organized By Jessika Zehnpfennig

Location: Bessunger Knabenschule

Ludwigshöhstrasse 42,Darmstadt (49.856152, 8.651664)


When? 23.11.2013 16.00-21.00 Where? Bessunger Knabenschule, Sefo Raum Nick Guzzardo is affectionately called, "The Prodigy," because of his almost mythic rise in the Hoop Community from beginner to one of the best in the world in little over a year's time. Nick has been touring, teaching and performing at hoop events, festivals and retreats around the country for the past three years and is a contributing administrator for Colorado's own prop gathering, The Spin Summit. He became hooping.orgs 2011 Newbie hooper within his first year, and is currently a 2013 Male Hooper of the year. Nicks dynamic athleticism, rhythmic dance and innovative development of "Head Hooping" make him a unique and inspiring educator in the performing arts and hooping community. Schedule: 16:00-18:30 Body Wraps & Contact technique, 2.5 hrs This workshop will focus on hoop body wrap moves like escalators and arm wraps from both a grip and contact point perspective, as well as introducing contact technique exercises developed to make body wrapping accessible from anywhere in flow. We will explore an off body technique called hook and float, wrist rolls, tosses, and contact breaks as well as grip and contact point body wrap variations and transitions. Beginner/Intermediate level class Lightweight off body hoop 18:30-21:00 Hoop/body Rhythm, 2.5 hrs In hoop body rhythm we will explore the motions of the body, focusing on concepts of musical receptivity, contrast, punctuation and energy to enhance our awareness of full body movement. Introducing footwork techniques like steps, slides and sweeps to attach our concepts to, we will open to new creative expressions in dance. We'll explore hoop/body interaction techniques such as tracing, counterweight, levels of space, hoop ground contact and head hooping to further enhance our mind/body connection to the hoop and our dance. All levels class Costs: 25 Euros for one Workshop, 45 Euros for both + 4€ for the trainingspace per person, please pay the 4€ for the trainingspace in cash when you come on the beginning of the workshop. How to registrate? Send an email to [email protected] and pay the fee per Paypal by using this email adress. Please note, which workshop you want to attend! Please register early, otherwise the workshop can't happen! Kurzer Überblick auf Deutsch: Los geht‘s um 16:00 Uhr in der Bessunger Knabenschule Erster Workshop: 16:00-18:30 Body Wraps & Contact Technique für Anfänger/Fortgeschrittene Zweiter Workshop: 18:30-21:00 Hoop/Body Rhythm Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene Kosten: 25€ für einen Workshop und 45€ für beide, plus 4€ pro Person für den Raum. Bitte bezahlt die 4€ am Anfang des Workshops in bar und passend bei mir. Bezahlen könnt ihr wie folgt: Schickt eine Mail an [email protected] in welcher ihr Nick schreibt an welchem Workshop ihr teilnehmen wollt. Ihr bekommt dann eine Mail von ihm mit einer Paypal-Rechnung. Bitte meldet euch rechtzeitig an, damit der Workshop auch wirklich stattfinden kann!