Red Rock Challenge Trail Running Day

Organized By Red Rock Challenge

Location: Lycée Bel-Val

100 avenue du Blues,Belval (49.504197, 5.935699)


Day: 08/10/2016 Point of supply: Type of event : Run Trail + Urban Belval Run Trail Finish: Belval, Lycée Belval Shuttle: Starts @ Lycée Belval 30 min. before race start (if needed) All new tracks!!! 99% Trail Start of the race: 10.5km : 12.00 o'clock > Lycée Belval 18.2km : 14.00 o'clock > Fond-De-Gras > Shuttle 27.8km : 13.00 o'clock > Fond-De-Gras > Shuttle 49KM : 11.30 o'clock > Lycée Belval Kids Run (free) Distance: 10.5km (3 laps of 3,5km) 260 stairs per lap (single or team of 3) 18.2km HM+: 269m single 27.8km HM+: 382m single 49KM HM+: 826m single GPS: 10.5km : 18.2km : 27.8km: 49km: Registration: Fees: 10,5km (Urban Belval Trail Run): 15€ Single > 11th. of September // 15€ > 1 month before race weekend // Late entries possible (Lycée Belval) 25€ Team of 3 > 11th. of September // 35€ > 1 month before race weekend // Late entries possible (Lycée Belval) 18.2km; 27.8M; 49km (Trail Run): Single: 22€ > 11th. of September 32€ > 1 month before race weekend // Late entries possible (Lycée Belval)