Traditionele huni kuin ceremonies conducted by Txana Ixa and Txai Fernando

Organized By Michaela van der Meer

Location: Baba Jaga

Hooilandseweg 76,Roodeschool (53.417441, 6.775188)


Dear Family, We feel blessed to invite you for traditional Huni Kuin ceremonies with Ixa Huni Kuin and Txai Fernando from 1-3 may at Baba Jaga Txana Ixa Huni Kuin is one of the more respected and knowledgeable shamans from the Huni Kuin tradition of the Amazon. He was selected by his tribe as a baby to be their main shaman which is very rare. From very young age on he went through many strong initiations including, diets, years of fasting and isolation. He has a deep knowledge of healing plants and the special songs to call upon healing spirits. He will be sharing his knowledge with us through sacred ancient dances and songs from the Huni Kuin people of the Amazon. Members of the Amazon Ensemble will also be present to play live musical meditations and other healing chants from other indigenous traditions. The Amazon Ensemble is a world music ensemble based in Norway, but with its roots in the Amazon rain forest. The group was established in order to rescue the rich musicality from the Amazon Indians, coating them in contemporaneous arrangements, with weft of innovative timbres and soundscapes inspired by the forest. Naturally, the group has broaden its musicality and use elements from many traditions such as Indian, Brazilian and Norwegian folk music. ( There will be three ceremonies. We recommend to come for all three ceremonies, so you can go deeper and expand the experience fully, but you are also welcome to come for two or a single ceremony. The price is 135 euro per night or 390 if you are joining all the three days/nights. This includes 3 ceremonies, with 2 shamans and live musical meditations with master musicians, 2 meals everyday and fruits. Ixa will be sharing some other medicines as well, along with traditional face painting and Huni Kuin dance workshop. During the day the ceremony room can be used for resting, When you have signed up you will receive an email with more details and practicalities. You can sign up at [email protected] If you want to invite other people of which you feel they have affinty with this kind of work you are free to do so.