KIBLIX 2014 – Paralele / Parallels

Organized By KID KIBLA

Location: Kibla Portal

Maribor (46.555216, 15.636725)

Details Mednarodni festival KIBLIX, ki že trinajsto leto poteka v Mariboru, v tokratni ediciji KIBLIX2014 – Paralele, naslavlja in obravnava množico raziskovalnih smeri, ki prežemajo polje sodobne intermedijske produkcije. Pri tem se ne omejuje na specifično nišo in ne obravnava le ozkih avtorskih pristopov, temveč sprejme heterogenost sodobne produkcije in jo predstavi z razstavo, avdiovizualnimi performansi, predavanji, delavnicami, okroglimi mizami in pogovori z umetniki, s čimer apelira tako na strokovno, akademsko kot tudi na širšo javnost. Navkljub navidezni eklektičnosti festival KIBLIX 2014 – Paralele išče skriti pulz, ki vibrira v vseh udeleženih. Predstavljena dela prevprašujejo temelje sodobnega sveta in se dotikajo problemov, ki jih ali jih začenjamo zaznavati vsi – kaj je in kaj prinaša postdigitalna era, ali lahko umetniki skupaj z znanstveniki shekajo svobodno prihodnost, uporaba in zloraba velikega podatkovja, elektronsko in tehnološko onesnaževanje in kroženje odpadkov, strategije preživetja v svetu z le navidezno zasebnostjo, internetni črni market, razdrobljenost sodobne identitete na realno in virtualno. Vprašanja in problemi, ki jih zaznavajo predstavljena dela in udeleženci festivala, so ključna vprašanja naše sedanjosti, a še bolj prihodnosti. V temelju gre za moment, ki je prisoten skozi vso zgodovino – kaj za človeštvo pomeni bliskovit napredek? So nove tehnologije pot iz blata ali le pesek v oči že zdaj navidezne svobode? V tradiciji prejšnjih edicij festivala je njegova temeljna naloga delovati povezovalno in ustvariti odprto območje za skupen, neobremenjen razmislek o poteh, ki jih izbiramo. KIBLIX spaja znanstvenike in umetnike, raziskovalce in igralce iger, računalničarje in biologe, hekerje in glasbenike, producente in naključne obiskovalce. Preplet gostov in obiskovalcev najrazličnejših usmeritev je duša odprte festivalske platforme – skozi format festivala je omogočeno spontano povezovanje ljudi različnih strok, a sorodnih interesov, s čimer je ustvarjen intelektualni presežek in izjemen kreativni potencial, ki predstavlja izčiščeno vizijo transdisciplinarnega delovanja, ki skoraj neizbežno predstavlja jedro, na katerem je smotrno graditi prihodnost. With its thirteen-year-long tradition in Maribor, this year's edition of the international festival KIBLIX, entitled KIBLIX 2014 – Parallels, addresses and concerns an array of research perspectives that pervade the field of contemporary interdisciplinary production. It is not limited to a specific niche, nor does it concern only the narrow field of authorial approaches, but accepts the heterogeneity of contemporary production and presents it with an exhibition, audio-visual performances, lectures, workshops, round tables and artist talks, appealing both to the professional, i. e. academic, as well as the wider public. Despite its seeming eclecticism, the KIBLIX 2014 – Parallels festival is in search of a hidden pulse that vibrates inside all its participants. The presented works re-question the foundations of the modern world and tackle the issues, which are becoming detected by all of us – what is the post-digital era and what are its consequences; can the combined efforts of artists and scientists hack up a free future; the uses and misuses of the enormous amounts of data; electronic and technological pollution and waste circulation; strategies of surviving in a world with only illusory privacy; the internet black market; the fragmentation of contemporary identity to the real and the virtual. The questions and issues perceived by the presented works and the festival participants are crucial to our present, and even more so to our future. Fundamentally, they represent the momentum that has been present throughput our history – what does swift progress mean for the human race? Are new technologies a way out of the gutter or just wool over the eyes of the already illusory freedom? Following the tradition of past editions, the basic goal of the festival is to act connectively and to create an open space for a common, unburdened consideration of the paths that we choose. KIBLIX joins scientists and artists, researchers and gamers, computer experts and biologists, hackers and musicians, producers and random visitors. The intertwinement of guests and visitors from most diverse directions is the soul of the festival platform – the format of the festival enables spontaneous connections between people of different professions but kindred interests, which creates an intellectual surplus and a tremendous creative potential that stands as a purified vision of interdisciplinary activity, which is almost inevitably the core upon which it is sensible to build a future.