Recognition of Lameness

Organized By Cambridge Equine Veterinary Society

Location: Lt2

Lt2 (60.981369, 25.649349)


Ever watched a horse trot up and down at dusk in the drizzle and not had a clue which leg it was lame on? Our first talk of term will be by Carolin Gerdes, from Rossdales, on the recognition of lameness. Carolin is a great lecturer and clinician, and we are very lucky that she has agreed to come and talk to us. This talk will contain loads of pictures and videos of lame horses, so will be incredibly useful in improving your ability to detect those slightly lame horses and impressing vets on EMS. This is relevant to both preclins and clinical students so we hope to see loads of you there. The talk is kindly sponsored by Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging. Pizza and drinks at half 6 with the talk starting at 6:45.