Llama Moot 2014 - Off to Nintendoland

Organized By Caitlinn Skye Walker

Location: Camp Wetaskiwin St. Catherines, Ontario

Camp Wetaskiwin St. Catherines, Ontario (43.179470, -79.233460)


Hey there past, present, future, prospective, long distance, happy, sad (though hopefully not for long), totally rad, super, and all other Llamas! LLAMA MOOT 2014 IS ON ITS WAY! Llama Moot is being held for its SECOND ANNUAL year at Battlefields' camp Wetaskiwin in St. Catherines, Ontario on the weekend of March 21st to 23rd of the glorious year 2014. The League of Llamas welcomes you to join us! As you may have guessed from the title - WE HAVE A THEME THIS YEAR! Bring your creativity, your festivity, and your drive to have fun for this year the Llamas are doing NINTENDO! All fully registered Venturers, Rovers, and senior members of the Guiding movement (eg. Rangers) are welcome to attend this camp! Pre-Registration will be opening in late January to February, more information will be forthcoming then! Questions can be asked here on this event with the League of Llamas here to answer those for you, or shoot us an email at: llamamoot@hotmail(dot)com! We also have a twitter! You can keep up with the planning, and compete in chances for tips, hints, and tricks to gaining points at the Moot! You can follow us @llamamoot We would LOVE to see your smiling, excited faces at the second annual Llama Moot - our very own celebration of the unique. It started with Scouts! Hummmm.