The International Islamic Education Seminar (IIES) 2015

Organized By Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor (UIKA)

Location: Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor (UIKA)

Jl. KH. Sholeh Iskandar Km. 2 Bogor,Bogor (-6.560644, 106.792362)


The International Islamic Education Seminar (IIES 2015) Islamic Education Facing ASEAN Economic Community: Prospects and Challenges I. INTRODUCTION Each country has its own educational system which distinct on aspect of its emphasis. Such a distinction depends much on short and long term objective which that country seeks to realize and available resources, natural as well as human, that it has. No one and society can live without worldview or philosophy. For without this, the life of people will be meaningless and has no direction. It is worldview that directs every thing that people do. Education which is part and parcel of human life is no exception. People have practiced education throughout the ages. What objectives that education seeks to achieve and how it can transform norms and values held by society all depend on a kind of worldview they subscribe. There is no surprise therefore if Islamic educational system is different from western, chinese, socialist system of education. For each system has a different kind of people that it produces. Education in Islam is primarily and principally aimed at producing a good servant of Allah (‘abdullah). It seeks not to produce workers or any thing else. The aim of education in Islam is to make people aware of his duty as servant of Allah and Vicegerent. Not quite a distant time, probably December 2015, ASEAN countries will step in a new phase of history. Free trade zone will soon be declared. The question is how Islamic educational institutions can keep survive amidst this regional change. How they should manage themselves so that people may still be interested with the program they offer; how those institutions can finance themselves, and how and what curriculums that they offer to produce human resources capable of facing present and future challangges. It is light of this challannge that this International Seminar is planned to be held. The Seminar will invite competent scholars from ASEAN countries with the hope that they could enlighten public about the problems and challangges that they face in running Islamic education program in their own respective countries and how they could survive and overcome those obstacles. At the end, the Seminar is expected to come up with resolutions and recommendation which can help all stakeholders of Islamic education to equip themselves with necessary preparation in facing the coming of ASEAN free trade age. II. THEME Islamic Education Facing ASEAN Economic Community: Prospects and Challenges The theme covers a wide range of topics which include philosophy and concept of Islamic education, history of education in the region, curriculum, management, and finance of Islamic education, how to market Islamic education program, prospects as well as challanges of graduates of Islamic education program. III. TIME AND PLACE The time of the International are: Day : Tuesday - Wednesday Date : November 10-11, 2015 Time : 08.30 – 17.30 Venue : Hall of Prof. Abdullah Siddiq - Bogor Ibn Khaldun University (UIKA Bogor) IV. OBJECTIVES Preparing Competent and Capable Human Resources in Facing ASEAN Economic Community by professionally Managing Islamic Education Institutions V. PARTICIPANT Lecturers and students All stakeholders of Islamic educational institutions (Raudatul Athfal (kindergarten), early childhood, elementary, junior, high school/equivalent) Government officers Public. _______________________________________________________ Guest speaker: Prof. Dr. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak. (Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Keynote Speakers 1. Prof. Dr. K.H. Didin Hafidhuddin, M.S. ( (Dean of Postgraduate UIKA Bogor, Indonesia) 2. Prof. Dr. H. Amtsal Bahtiar., M.A. (Director of Islamic Higher Education, Indonesia) 3. Prof. Rosnani Hasyim (International Islamic of Islamic Thought Malaysia , Malaysia) Pemateri: Adian Husaini, Ph.D.(UIKA Bogor, Indonesia)- Abdullah Othman, M.A. (Az Zuhri, Singapore) - Dr. Rasyid Ar-Rajjal (Mesir) - Bahrul Hayat, Ph.D.(DEPDIKBUD, Indonesia) - Prof. Ismail Lutfi (Fatoni University, Thailand). ____________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT These are two participants welcome to the event: Call Paper participant (IDR 800.000,00 for Admission Fee) Regular participant (IDR 500.000,00 for Admission Fee) ADMISSION BANK SYARIAH MANDIRI Acc.7089891668 a.n. HASBI INDRA AND IMAS KANIA RAHMAN KK. WARUNG JAMBU BOGOR INDONESIA REGISTRATION Download Registration Form: and sent to: [email protected] Input from Online Registration Tab at our site : By SMS, type: A. For Call Paper Participant: NAME_INSTITUTION_P1_COUNTRY B. For Regular Participant : NAME_INSTITUTION_P2_COUNTRY Sent to our Secretariat of Committees' number You may choose one of the registration above REGISTRATION DATELINE : October 27, 2015 Registration, admission and paper confirmations may send to [email protected] or our Secretariat of Committee +62 8131 6344 000, +62 8212 5888 971, +61 8569 2177 232, +62 8782 1735 158, +62 8129 0321 164 at work hours 09.00 - 16.00 (Monday - Saturday)