Habitat Relaunch Party!

Organized By The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment


The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (37.821740, -122.259820)


Join us as we flip the switch that brings Habitat back online after 30 years! We're launching the open alpha of Habitat for Commadore 64, and we want you to come help us celebrate. Bring your laptop and you, too, can join in on the server. Install VICE, the C64 emulator, and we'll distribute a floppy image that will get you onto the server. While we'd like to see everyone in person, given that this is an online game, you can join us from anywhere in the world! We'll be streaming this on Twitch, Facebook and maybe other places too. More information can be found at http://www.themade.org and http://www.neohabitat.org