Epic FlipCup Tournament

Organized By Reijer Koele

Location: frijlemaborg common room

frijlemaborg common room (25.132870, 81.746338)


Welcome to the first "Epic FlipCup Tournament" in Fraijlemaborg this year! On October 5th, we are organizing a Flipcup Tournament for all International Students of the HvA and their friends. The rules are as following: Twelve Teams of five people will play against each other in order to become the "First FlipCup Champions" of the year! We got the common room in Fraijlemaborg and afterwards all of us will move to "Club Panama"!! The rules are easy : You find some friends to form a Team (of five people) and register here via Facebook or directly via Luca (Fraijlemaborg Room 35) or Ismael (Daalwijk Room 705). The price to enter the tournament is 10 € each. It might sound a lot in the beginning, but there will be awesome prices for the winners and most important the entrance fee to Panama (usually 15 €) is included into the Tournament Ticket. Thats means you party for free on Friday Night in Panama!! We open the common room at 7pm and from 8pm we will start the Tournament! Please be on time to make it run smoothly. Also: Bring your own booze, since we don´t know what and how much you are planning to drink...We suggest a minimum!! of one Sixpack for an average drinker to make it trough the Tournament. Snacks will be provided as well!! Please note that the maximum of people is limited to 60 and we will use "first come, first serve" Once the 60 spots are taken, it´s not possible to get into the Tournament anymore, so better hurry!! Full = Full!!! Registration for the Party ends a week earlier (28th September), since we need all you Names for the Guestlist of Panama!! Looking forward to see you all and have an awesome night!! Check out Club Panama: http://www.panama.nl/