John & Brenda Romero : Afternoon Talk

Organized By Paul Conway

Location: Oslo bar, Salthill

Galway (53.259732, -9.076245)


Two of the game development world's most well known designers, John Romero (Doom & Quake) & Brenda Romero (Wizardry, Dungeons & Dragons, Train & Program Director at the University of California at Santa Cruz), are visiting Galway City on the 23rd of September as part of their six week fact finding mission for the Fullbright Specialist program. They'll be giving a talk to the local game development community, and are kindly willing to take a look at and offer advice to anyone who brings a demo along on the day. If you're currently working in or studying game development, or even if you're a hobbiest, come along and take the opportunity to listen to and speak with these two legendary designers.