Is Executive Compensation Out Of Control?

Organized By Hanken School of Economics | Masters

Location: Hanken School of Economics | Masters

Arkadiankatu 22,Helsinki (60.170792, 24.924370)


Is Executive Compensation Out Of Control? Hanken Centre for Corporate Governance invites you to a guest lecture by Dipl.-Kfm. Klaus Heinemann, chairman of the Finnair Board of Directors. Mr Klaus Heinemann will give a unique talk focusing on the following issues: - Independent directors versus direct shareholder representation - Do Independent Directors really determine Executive remuneration? Mr. Klaus Heinemann has been the chairman of the Finnair Board of Directors since 2013, and holds a vast professional history including key positions in AerCap Holdings N.V. (Chief Executive Officer), DVB Bank (Member of the Executive board) as well as in the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan (Global head of aviation/Shipping). The event is open for all interested. Time: November 4th at 16:30 Venue: Festsalen, Hanken School of Economics