Little Black Cart presents: The fight against fascism isn't epic (but seems like it is and that is part of the problem)

Organized By Anarres Infoshop & Community Space

Location: Anarres Infoshop & Community Space

7101 N Lombard St,Portland (45.587601, -122.740250)


Almost 30 years ago the fight against fascism looked almost identical to how it does today. We were at the tail end of the Reagan era. California Uber Alles still rolled around our tongues. Tom Metzer and WAR were being held to account, by the state, for the murder of Mulugeta Seraw in Portland. The people who were resisting, who were fighting, used a vocabulary to describe what was happening that was incredibly constrained. That vocabulary, emotional and theoretical, hasn't improved much since. This presentation is going to try to open a discussion about how we do, and do not, live in a comic book universe. How fighting the forces of evil looked in the late 80s and how it looks today. We will also discuss how modern call-out culture, and the assertion that we are not good, is one of the few ways that the heroic narrative has been challenged. The intention of this presentation is to focus on personal experience and the consequences of political rhetoric. We hope to create a friendly & constructive conversation and will eject trolls. Little Black Cart is a distributor of anti-political books and ephemera, based in the Bay Area.